Expressive, Extensible and Concise
In Wolfe you use Scala to define machine learning models in terms of real valued functions
such as densities, energy functions and empirical losses—almost as concise as in a machine learning paper.
This paradigm enables conditional random fields, generative models, markov logic networks, matrix factorization and more.
See examples below and follow our interactive tutorials.
//transition and observation features of a linear chain CRF
def f(s:Sentence) = {
val n = s.words.size
sum (0 until n) { i=> oneHot(s.words(i)->s.tags(i))} +
sum (0 until n-1) { i=> oneHot(s.tags(i)->s.tags(i+1))}}
//the corresponding linear model
def s(w:Vector)(s:Sentence) = w dot f(s)
// MAP inference
def h(w:Vector)(x:Sentence):Sentence =
argmax(sentences st (obs(_)==obs(x))){ d=>s(w)(d) }
// Loss over training data
def loss(data:Seq[Sentence])(w:Vector):Double =
sum(data){ d=>s(w)(h(w)(d))-s(w)(d) }
// Parameter estimation
def learn(data:Seq[Sentence]) = argmin(vectors){w=> loss(data)(w)}
// latent factorization and neighborhood model
def s(w:Vector)(d:UserItem) =
sum(0 until k){ i => w(u.item->i)*w(u.user->i) } +
sum(u.user.items){ i => w(i->u.item) }
// training loss over observed cells
def loss(data:Seq[UserItem])(w:Vector) =
sum(data){ d => pow2(d.rating - s(w)(d))}
Wolfe compiles the declarative Scala code into highly optimized
inference and learning routines that maintain or approximate the semantics of the original code.
This allows you to focus on modelling while Wolfe is doing the heavy lifting.
There is a limit to automatic optimization. Wolfe therefore provides hooks to inject
procedural background knowledge such as optimization
subroutines for specific types of sub-functions.